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Friday 31 August 2018

Electricity and light

flick h a switch, and light comes on. It is an everyday miracle we take for granted - until there is power cut. Then, we are in the dark. Without electricity, we cannot heat or clean our home, cook our food, or watch TV. Power cuts remind us that there is much more to electricity then bulbs and appliances. Each switch connects us to a vast gird of thick cables, and a net work of stations. 

Monday 27 August 2018

Greener cars

greener 'cars

when car first appeared,people thought they world cure `pollution not cause it . before German engineer Gottlieb Daimler(1834_1900) invention petrol engines in 1884,transport was powered by horses And horses dung was smelly and hard to clear from streets ! today, cars manufactures aware of the harmful gases that petrol engines produce and are looking for alternative power sources such as hydrogen , electricity and solar energy.

Controlling traffic

Controlling traffic

As cars multiplied, inventors  looked for ways to keep traffic moving safely. Electric traffic light began in 1914 in the American city of Cleveland. they had only two colours - red and green -and a buzzer, which sounded to warn when the lights were about to change reflective road studs, to separate lanes of traffic, ware 1933 inventors of English road repairer Percy .Shaw the eyes of car shining in his headlights in inspired the inventors - and gave it its familiar nickname 'car's eves'.

Friday 24 August 2018

robot car

robot car

Today's cars have little in common  with the model T except wheels,engine and the diver - and evern the driver may soon be unnecessary. Computer scientists are working to make cars that drive themselves.So far, these vehicles are safe only on empty desert roads. But if they could speed through traffic, they  could make motorways safe and travel more pleasant

Monday 20 August 2018

what type of car

Cheaper car 

Only the very rich could afford the first car ,so in 1900 there were just 11,000 in the  whole world (today, there are about 500 million) factory production of motor cars’ made them cheap enough for most people and American motor pioneer Henry  ford (1863-1947) was among the  first to build car in large numbers. His factories began making the ford made 15 million of them.

Friday 17 August 2018

the history of cars and car importanc


we love them .we hate them  but we cannot give them up .car essential to us.  they give go us the freedom to go anywhere, and to live  in  remote places but cars are augur problem ,too. their exhaust fumier pollute the atmosphere, and may make our word too warm to live in today , car manufactures are racing to build vehicles that are kinder to the environment .  

history car

the fist car mentions Henry ford and his  son Easel take arid in one of his man versions of the model T motor car in about 1912. and the Meany type of cars. the mane type of cars is five. in 2005 racing to win a $2 million prize , 23 robot car drove themselves 212km through the desert in Nevada USA .the winning car, 'Stanley'(above, left finished in less then seven hours. laser range-finders video cameras and six computers kept Stanley on course  .scientists use crash-fest dummies to study the forces exerted on people during car crashes.